No subject

Mon Sep 28 15:09:14 CDT 2009

population 11,000 has decided to abandon the island which is likely to be
submerged in seas rising as a consequence of global warming.

Group reports:

TV/video: (Kord has now scheduled showing on UPTV (Channel 6) video from
the last teach-in. Kord wants to interview people about their responses to
September 11. 344-7782.

Street Theater: Brian will announce on the peace list when the next
meeting is; has ideas for street theater

Media and Publicity: (Vicki and Barry) Al Kagin made an overview
informational flyer; Vicki and Barry set up an info table at the Peace
Bazaar; they have spoken with hosts of the morning and afternoon call-in
show on WDWS; have arranged with Paul Wood of the News-Gazette to
interview people at Thursday's Ladies & Laddies Against War

Peace Bazaar: Joan tells of 31-year history of the Peace Bazaar, in which
for the past several years the total amount raised ranged between $1750
and $2100, this year's was $3000. Beneficiaries included Oxfam, Empty
Tomb, Eastern Illinois Food Bank, Unicef Landmine Eradication Program,
BOAST after school program in Champaign.

Direct Action Group: (Naomi and Sehvilla) Group has decided not to focus
on mass mobilization for the time being (thus the name change). Focus on
church outreach, brainstorming smaller actions. Karen and Jen Cartwright
letter-writing campaign.

Speakers Bureau: (Jeff) email suggestions of organizations and people you
know who would be likely to invite a speaker from AWARE to Jeff at
lfay at

Ladies and Laddies: (Susan) LLAW has decided to have outdoor actions only
on Saturdays, 12:30-1:30 at Prospect and I-74 (EXCEPTION: come out this
Thursday to Prospect & I-74) and otherwise focus on indoor work: outreach
to churches.

AWARE-Care organizers: (Raia) looking for facilitators and offers of
creative encouragement; meetings are now after the AWARE meeting on

Teach-In: (Danielle) has been meeting Wednesdays at 6:30 at Danielle's,
1006 S. Garfield, off Iowa by Carle Park.  Teach-in will be Saturday Dec
15 10am-5:30pm at McKinley Foundation, 5th and Daniel. The opening
presentation will be on countries at Risk, then performances, and 3 pairs
of concurrent sessions on various topics. Needs: 1. A speaker on Iraq 2.
presenter on hunger in Afghanistan 3. sponsorship from Students for World
Improvement. Peter requests suggestions of peace organizations in central
Illinois area to invite to teach-in

More from meeting later.


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