No subject

Mon Sep 28 15:09:14 CDT 2009

	This war is like Avril Levigne (which is french for Aavi
	Levine) anyway everytime I see her on the Mtv, and shes
	jumping around like a tiny little indie chick jumps. And she's
	singing about sk8er bois I think, "you go girl, that's right,
	you don't have to dress in outfits that give you little
	teenage cameltoe and strut, pout, put it out and all that. You
	are succeding on your own terms you adorable canadian little
	punkwaif"...then I think.

	HEY HOLD ON A FUCKING SECOND...woah, I was almost sucked into
	the avril vortex, I'm supposed to be smart, and they almost
	fooled me. She's just as packaged as the other teen ta tas,
	only her packaging is supposed to look organic...fuck, they
	almost got me. But at the last second, I averted media
	hype. (go me)

	Anyway, that's what I want to tell you about the war. Remember
	it Is genuinely fun to watch the embeds tell stories of US
	superiority and might and stuff. And it sure does make you
	feel proud to be an american.

	But remember, CNN and MSNBC, and of course FOX are permitted
	there for a reason. To make us all feel like toby keith.

	Just don't forget, that there is a ban on showing corpses. Its
	been an amazing war. I haven't seen a single drop of blood. My
	favorite part is the shock and disbelief voiced by the
	pentagon. They were completely unprepared for the iraqi's to
	fight us when all we did was preemptively invade their
	country...why would you shoot a soldier who is only coming to
	free or kill you?


	Well, at least my Halliburten stock should go up.

	Anyway remember, you're watching a show. Not the war. If you
	think differently , you should hang out with any cast member
	of the real world for a real week, you'll see it ain't like
	they show you on the TV.

	My sister says. "anyone can look cool, as long as they pick
	the right 1% of your life to show".

The final June IMC folk music series show! (But don't worry there'll
be more shows in upcoming months. Stay tuned for those.)

I can think of no better person to cap off this great June series than
Adam Brodsky. Adam has played more IMC folk shows than any other
touring performer. He's been playing IMC folk shows since shortly
after the IMC opened. We're his favorite venue in Illinois and his
fans come from all over the state to see him in Urbana. 

Adam Brodsky plays anti-folk. Anti-folk is more like Woody Guthries
folk than anything called "folk" that you'll hear. This is stripped
down, raw, gritty folk. This is smart intelligent folk. This is dirty
folk. Adam says things you've probably thought about but were too
embarrased to say. Adam gets in your face and tells it like it is,
with a smile, with a snarl, with a sarcastic twist. 

Adam's shows are incredibly interactive. By the time you leave you'll
know the choruses and punchy in-jokes to several songs. You'll have
laughed. You'll probably have been briefly offended. And then you'll
have laughed some more.

Adam Brodsky is community.

Adam sings about the erosion of our civil rights, the dirtiness of
hippies, how bad his love life is, and how good it is in his
dreams. He sings about love lost and roads traveled. He plays that
mean and nasty harmonica/guitar combo that's made every great folkie
famous. And we keep coming back for it, for reasons none of us

Adam Brodsky is a fucking genius and a real asshole. And underneath it
all he's the nicest guy I've ever met. He's got great friends all over
the country. A couple of us even drove out to Philly to see his CD
release show last winter. He inspires that kind of craziness.

Adam Brodsky, we're not scared of you. We're coming to your fucking
folk show and we're going to clap!

Opening for Adam will be local award-winning songwriter Darrin Drda,
long time host of IMC's Cabaret. Darrin writes plain spoken songs
about everyday transcendence, love, drugs, numbers, road trips. The
good things in life.

Come to four IMC sponsored folk shows and get your fifth one free.

IMC Shows at the Channing-Murray are all ages, non-smoking, and

This show co-sponsored by WEFT 90.1 FM.

Take our survey and get a free sampler CD for the folk music series.

Admission will be on a sliding scale and, space permitting, no one is
turned away for inability to pay.

Zachary C. Miller - @= -
UCIMC Folk Music Coordinator -
UC Folk Music Associatation -
Just Another Leftist Muppet - Ya Basta! - Share and Enjoy

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