Susan Parenti sparenti at illinois.edu
Thu Dec 8 16:37:57 CST 2011

Dear AWARE---

We'd like to let you know about an upcoming event organized by ocCUpy  
Champaign Urbana, to be launched this Saturday. Dec 10th, 11am-1pm--- 
MOVE YOUR MONEY!!! See below.

Thank you for any help you can give to disseminate this information.  
For any questions or further remarks and stories, please contact me:
Susan Parenti 217-344-1439



                                             For immediate release

Contact: Susan Parenti    Cell: 217-344-1439

Email: sparenti at illinois.edu


                                                 Rally and March Planned

  Occupy C-U will be launching a “Move Your Money” Campaign starting  
Dec. 10th,  2011 with a rally and march open to the general public.   
The rally starts at 11 a.m. at West Side Park in Champaign and  
features speakers, readings from endorsement letters, open-air song  
and related cultural performances and an audience speak-out. The  
formal program will include comments from representatives of the East  
Central Illinois Chapter of Jobs With Justice (JWJ) and of AWARE, two  
groups that signed as co-sponsors of the campaign. Efforts to obtain  
endorsements from a broad spectrum of other community organizations  
are also already underway. At approximately 12 noon, a march is  
scheduled to begin that will converge on the public space around the  
downtown Champaign branch of Chase Bank.

  Susan Parenti, one of the organizers of this event, recently  
commented: “We are urging people who are fed up with the bad behavior  
of big Wall Street banks to join our campaign. Move your money out of  
the big banks and into local credit unions and community banks. Invest  
in your community; divest from ‘too big to fail’ institutions that  
have done so much harm to our economy.”   Another event organizer, Pat  
Simpson, elaborated, “We know that some people do not have currently  
have accounts in the Wall Street banks.  We also know that some people  
in our community are so economically hard pressed, they may not have  
the ‘luxury’ of a bank account.  Still, there’s reason to support this  
effort as it can help to build a stronger local economy while sending  
a pointed message to the ‘big guys’ that they have lost the confidence  
and support of Americans. We are tired of their shenanigans.”

The “Move Your Money” Campaign will continue throughout the upcoming  
year, 2012.  Unions, religious groups, and other community  
organizations that would like to have someone from the campaign come  
to speak about this effort can call (574) 3 URBANA  or email moveyourmoneycu at gmail.com 

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