[Peace] Sunday, Nov. 10 / noon / Fwd: Peace Pilgrim Film Showing at Friends Meetinghouse

Karen Medina kmedina67 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 03:21:17 UTC 2013

serving substantial refreshments before hand if you want to come early
(around noon) for sustenance before the film showing.

"This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, and falsehood with
truth, and hatred with love." -Peace Pilgrim

Join us for an uplifting hour at the Quaker Meeting House, 1904 E.
Main, Urbana, on Sunday, November 10th at 12:15 p.m. We will be
watching a video of "Peace Pilgrim," a spiritual and political peace
activist who walked over 25,000 miles on foot from 1953-1981 to
inspire individuals toward the ways of inner peace and world peace.

The video is an hour long, and time for discussion will be offered afterward.

Childcare and refreshments will be provided.

Also available at the presentation will be several free copies of the
book, "Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words," as well as
copies of her pamphlet, "Steps Toward Inner Peace."

More on Peace Pilgrim...

Upon surrendering to a deeper calling, Peace Pilgrim spent the last 30
years of her life walking over 25,000 miles on foot throughout the US,
espousing her deeply realized message of peace. She vowed to "remain a
wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until
given shelter and fasting until given food," and she did so without a
penny to her name, and only a few possessions tucked into her blue
tunic. She spent those 30 years speaking to and inspiring individuals
and groups to begin developing peace within themselves, peace among
individuals, peace among groups, and peace among nations. Her message
of peace is transformational rather than reactionary, and, in short,
affirms that the way to true and sustainable world peace is through
inner peace. Her message is both simple and profound, and she offers
practical ways to develop inner and interpersonal peace, grounded in
spiritual truth.

More information on Peace Pilgrim can be found on the Friends of Peace
Pilgrim website, peacepilgrim.org.

A Few Peace Pilgrim Quotes…

"Few find inner peace but this is not because they try and fail, it is
because they do not try"

"There is a well-worn road which is pleasing to the senses and
gratifies worldly desires, but leads to nowhere. And there is the less
traveled path, which requires purifications and relinquishments, but
results in untold spiritual blessings."

“Every one of us has a special place in the Life Pattern. If you do
not yet know clearly where you fit, I suggest that you try seeking it
in receptive silence. I used to walk amid the beauties of nature, just
receptive and silent, and wonderful insights would come to me. You
begin to do your part in the Life Pattern by doing all the good things
you feel motivated toward, even though they are just little good
things at first. You give these priority in your life over all the
superficial things that customarily clutter human lives.

“As I looked about the world, so much of it impoverished, I became
increasingly uncomfortable about having so much while my brothers and
sisters were starving. Finally I had to find another way. The turning
point came when, in desperation and out of a very deep seeking for a
meaningful way of life, I walked all one night through the woods. I
came to a moonlit glade and prayed.

I felt a complete willingness,
without any reservations, to give my life--to dedicate my life--to
service. "Please use me!" I prayed to God. And a great peace came over

“I would like to mention some preparations that were required of me.
The first preparation is to take a right attitude toward life. This
means, stop being an escapist! Stop being a surface liver who stays
right in the froth of the surface. There are millions of these people,
and they never find anything really worthwhile. Be willing to face
life squarely and get down beneath the surface of life where the
verities and realities are to be found. That's what we are doing here

"We must walk according to the highest light we have, encountering
lovingly those who are out of harmony, and trying to inspire them
toward a better way. Whenever you bring harmony into any unpeaceful
situation, you contribute to the cause of peace. When you do something
for world peace, peace among groups, peace among individuals, or your
own inner peace, you improve the total peace picture."

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