[Peace] Press release on TPP-Fast Track

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 5 17:23:20 UTC 2014

David Green for U.S. Congress, Democratic Party primary,
Press Release
January 5, 2014
David Green opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership “free
trade” (investor rights) agreement, and joins 151
House Democratsin opposing “outdated ‘Fast Track’ procedures that usurp Congress’s authority over
trade matters.”
On the
20-year anniversary of NAFTA, David agrees with thosewho rightly
believe that has been a disaster for both American and Mexican workers, and a boon for
“These trade
agreements, like the TPP, NAFTA 20 years ago, are like the corporate Christmas
tree. This is the one piece of "legislation" that every corporate
interest loves. It jacks up medicine prices with patent extensions for Big
Pharma. Big Content loves it because they’re like SOPA-type copyright rules.
The chemical and pharmaceutical companies like it because they have actual
rights to not be regulated and inspected. The oil and gas companies love it
because it gives them absolute rights to natural resources. The chronic job
offshoring companies love it because it gives them new investor protections to
offshore. So they all lobbied Congress, squeezed Congress.”
David calls on
his opponents, Ann Callis and George Gollin, to share their positions on
NAFTA, the TPP, and Fast Track legislation.
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