[UC-ODDMUSIC-discuss] notes from a meeting + invitation to farmer's market tomorrow

Jacob Barton udderbot at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 14:11:52 CDT 2010

Hey Oddsters,

I applied to have a community booth at the Urbana farmers' market tomorrow
morning!  If anyone wants to help anytime between 7:30am and noon, don't
hesitate!  I don't have confirmation from Lisa Bralts that I have a booth,
but I'm going out there at 7:30am to see what's what.  I'll have some
instruments out there to represent the library, and I'll def. be pushing the
udderbot concert and playing udderbot, but also room for literature and
talking about IMC and SDaS in general...

At the meeting we started formulating some more language for oddmusic to go
in the IMC brochure;  I may make some things unilaterally for tomorrow...

*Oddmusic Working Group Meeting*
8/11/10 8:30-10pm

*There*: Andy, Andrew, Jacob, Mark, Michael, Ya'aqov

*Brainstorm on improving the functioning of instrument library*
* change name from "oddmusic instrumentarium" to "instrument lending
library" for maximum clarity
* staffing more hours
* remembering to ask for a $ donation
* followup after 1 week
* poster
* instruments in mobile form - bike trailer?
* spreadsheet for checking in/out, seeing what's in/out

*Radio show:*
* We need flier for this too
* We need to make a PSA about it, & about oddmusic at large
* Andrew doesn't like the show being so late, though moving it up poses
risks for conflicting with other things
* (via personal communication yesterday) AUSTIN is interested in being the
new third person!  YEA!

*Brainstorm of things oddmusic could use volunteering for*
* staffing library
* blogging ( = reporting)
* radio to an internet archive (this could almost be automated)
* tidying
* event organizing
* publicity

We seem to have a good idea of the core member / general member
distinction.  The not-yet-quite-core folks at the meeting were polled about
*Michael is interested in room access, making fliers on a regular basis, & a
monthly meet your fellow humans day
*Mark is interested in room access, chippin in some bucks
*Ya'aqov is interested in room access, helping to establish & maintain a
circulation system

Jacob attempted to explain the Udderbot Marching Choir, which is intended as
an (not necessarily THE) ensemble offered through oddmusic. It's still
confusing to everyone.

Jacob mentioned the Udderbot Concert (
http://udderbot.wikispaces.com/uddcital+planning for the whole scoop) which
he does need more help on, but didn't articulate exactly which help he
needed.  More on that soon!  Meanwhile, the essential task of composition!
Michael has finished an udderbot trio in 7-equal, Mark is working on a
one-man-band 17-tone piece, and Andrew is hard at work on an otonal
udderbot-dulcimer duo!  Also, Andy & Jacob are working on a rhythmic
exercise by Edwin Harkins that may turn into a performance piece.
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