[UC-ODDMUSIC-discuss] notes from a meeting + invitation to farmer's market tomorrow

Chris Vaisvil chrisvaisvil at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 14:19:41 CDT 2010

What needs to be done concerning the radio to internet archive?

I'm already hosting some oddmusic shows - but have not received anymore to
post so there must be a difficulty.

Also I encourage Oddmusic to take advantage of the web space I provide - you
could have an udderbot blog for instance.

As far as loaning instruments - google has a nice calender feature built
into gmail - I suggest OM look at that for keeping track of when instruments
should be returned - google calendar will send you an email reminder at a
specific time prior to the appointed time.


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Jacob Barton <udderbot at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Oddsters,
> I applied to have a community booth at the Urbana farmers' market tomorrow
> morning!  If anyone wants to help anytime between 7:30am and noon, don't
> hesitate!  I don't have confirmation from Lisa Bralts that I have a booth,
> but I'm going out there at 7:30am to see what's what.  I'll have some
> instruments out there to represent the library, and I'll def. be pushing the
> udderbot concert and playing udderbot, but also room for literature and
> talking about IMC and SDaS in general...
> At the meeting we started formulating some more language for oddmusic to go
> in the IMC brochure;  I may make some things unilaterally for tomorrow...
> *Oddmusic Working Group Meeting*
> 8/11/10 8:30-10pm
> *There*: Andy, Andrew, Jacob, Mark, Michael, Ya'aqov
> *Brainstorm on improving the functioning of instrument library*
> * change name from "oddmusic instrumentarium" to "instrument lending
> library" for maximum clarity
> * staffing more hours
> * remembering to ask for a $ donation
> * followup after 1 week
> * poster
> * instruments in mobile form - bike trailer?
> * spreadsheet for checking in/out, seeing what's in/out
> *Radio show:*
> * We need flier for this too
> * We need to make a PSA about it, & about oddmusic at large
> * Andrew doesn't like the show being so late, though moving it up poses
> risks for conflicting with other things
> * (via personal communication yesterday) AUSTIN is interested in being the
> new third person!  YEA!
> *Brainstorm of things oddmusic could use volunteering for*
> * staffing library
> * blogging ( = reporting)
> * radio to an internet archive (this could almost be automated)
> * tidying
> * event organizing
> * publicity
> We seem to have a good idea of the core member / general member
> distinction.  The not-yet-quite-core folks at the meeting were polled about
> interests:
> *Michael is interested in room access, making fliers on a regular basis, &
> a monthly meet your fellow humans day
> *Mark is interested in room access, chippin in some bucks
> *Ya'aqov is interested in room access, helping to establish & maintain a
> circulation system
> Jacob attempted to explain the Udderbot Marching Choir, which is intended
> as an (not necessarily THE) ensemble offered through oddmusic. It's still
> confusing to everyone.
> Jacob mentioned the Udderbot Concert (
> http://udderbot.wikispaces.com/uddcital+planning for the whole scoop)
> which he does need more help on, but didn't articulate exactly which help he
> needed.  More on that soon!  Meanwhile, the essential task of composition!
> Michael has finished an udderbot trio in 7-equal, Mark is working on a
> one-man-band 17-tone piece, and Andrew is hard at work on an otonal
> udderbot-dulcimer duo!  Also, Andy & Jacob are working on a rhythmic
> exercise by Edwin Harkins that may turn into a performance piece.
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