[UC-ODDMUSIC-discuss] oddfinances update

Jacob Barton udderbot at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 16:16:28 CDT 2010

The Udderbot Recital brought in $744.00 at the door, with about 100 people
showing up.  Yea!

Erin was paid $10/hr x 3 hrs = $30 for working the door, leaving $714.00.

(No one else was payed for other tasks ranging from significant to immense:
composing, rehearsing, copying, performing, graphic design, selling merch,
making food, tuning a piano, audio and video recording.  Except me: some of
my time preparing this counted as service hours for AmeriCorps, for which I
receive a living stipend.)

IMC/Shows took 50% of the rest, as per our arrangement, leaving $357.00.

The OddMusic studio, previously leased out month-to-month to Jacob Barton
and Andrew Heathwaite under IMC finances, will soon transition to being paid
for via a monthly deduction from an OddMusic working group account (part of
the IMC general account).  That way, more people can help support the space
and our projects, and we'll have less slippery cash to track, and folks can
make tax-deductible contributions to the IMC.  Donations which go in the
drop box in the IMC main space, designated ODDMUSIC, will go to our account.

So, the last $357 just went in an envelope to the IMC, to first zero out the
Jacob/Andrew balance of $116.67 (Sept. rent), and then to create the new
OddMusic account (240.33).  If I add to that the $83 in donations we have
mostly from the Odd Garden concert in July, that comes to 323.33.

Some ideas I have for throwing "easy" concerts in the IMC:

- 60x60 electroacoustic concert (see voxnovus.com)
- 'party pieces for musicians' series: Terry Riley's "In C", my own "In
Something Else", Rzewskis "Les Montons de Panurge"... Assemble at least 30
musicians; ask musicians to donate themselves or otherwise raise, say, $10.
- Electric guitar symphonies of Glenn Branca, Rhys Chatham, etc. e.g.
http://www.rhyschatham.net/index4.htm This would be a harder, further out

That's all for now,
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