[Volunteers] OVP Weekly Volunteer Opportunity E-mail (01/28/03)

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Tue Jan 28 11:55:54 CST 2003

Morning all!

Table of Contents:
1. OVP Survey (takes only 2-3 minutes) -- Help Make Student Lives Better.
2. VIP Blood Drive -- Help Save Lives.
3. Art Day Field Trip -- Help Make Senior Citizens' Lives Better.
4. Eastern Illinois Foodbank
5. Mentor
6. FUSION 2003 -- Leadership, Diversity, Service

1. Fill out the community service survey... help OVP figure out what to do
http://www.union.uiuc.edu/ovp/resources/survey.htm -- it's quick (8
questions) and will help us figure out how volunteerism is effecting

2. VIP vants...to suck...your blood... Blood drive is next week (Jan
28th-31st) here in the Illini Union.  You can help save lives!!  Every day
this week, from 10-4 on the first floor.

3. Volunteers needed to help seniors and disabled adults enjoy an outing to
Krannert Art Museum on Friday, January 31st from 1:30-3:30.  The more help we
get to push wheel chairs or to take an arm of an older person, the more
customers we can take with us.  Our customers love our outings and would enjoy
the company or a volunteer.  Please call Kathy at Circle of Friends Adult Day
Center, 359-7937 if you are able to meet us at Krannert on the 31st.

4. This Spring, the Eastern Illinois Foodbank will be in need of groups to
volunteer with us. We're looking for volunteer groups from 10:00 a.m. to
noon every other Saturday. We can accommodate a group up to 40
individuals. If Saturdays are not good for your organization, we can set
up a volunteer time in an evening during the week. The volunteer activity
consists of destroying products that were donated to us, but we can not
distribute due to recommendation by the State of Illinois.  Contact Cindi
Parr at 328-3663.

5. Students (mostly boys) have few positive male role models in their
lives.  These students (ages 8-19) would like someone to take them out to
parks, libraries, malls, movies, ballgames, etc. They are looking for
someone to talk with, to play ball with, to care about them, and to
understand their need to have activities outside of their homes. Contact
Sally Corby at sally.corby at uhsinc.com.

6. FUSION 2003 -- FUSION is a new organization that has been created with
the mission of creating coalitions through Service, Diversity and
Leadership.  FUSION, the Leadership Center and the Office of Volunteer
Programs are working together to organize a series of events to help you
publicize your organizationa and to learn how you can collaborate with
other organizations.  The calendar of events is below.  Please feel free
to contact Namita Arora <narora at uiuc.edu> if you have any questions.

Sunday, February 2, 2003
Leadership Roundtable
Facilitated by Illinois Leadership(tm) Center staff
5:30 PM
407 Illini Union

Sunday, February 9, 2003
Diversity Roundtable
Facilitated by Chancellor Cantor
5:30 PM
407 Illini Union

Sunday, February 16, 2003
Service  Roundtable
Facilitated by Kathy Guthrie from the Office of Volunteer Programs
5:30 PM
407 Illini Union

Sunday, February 23, 2003
With Keynote Speaker Gail Stern, Associate Director for Law Enforcement
Training, National Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League
1:30-3:30 PM
Illini Rooms B and C

Thirsting for other volunteer opportunities? Check out www.cuvolunteer.org
for 250+ others.

Tell them the Office of Volunteer Programs sent you,

--Sascha & Sara
Office of Volunteer Programs

Phone#:  333-7424
E-mail:  ovp at uiuc.edu
Office:  277 Illini Union (in the RSO complex)
Website: www.union.uiuc.edu/ovp

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