[CHANGES] Joining WW

Sandra Ahten sandra_ahten at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 23 13:02:13 CDT 2005

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and 
expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

You know you need to do something to get your weight under control. You say 
the Weight Watchers™  program worked for you before. But, if it worked for 
you before, why do you have to go back?

Your answer, “Because it wasn’t Weight Watchers that didn’t work. It was 
more that I didn’t work the program.”

This is still insanity. You are doing the same thing over and over. Yes, 
ultimately it is up to you to take the action – but a diet program needs to 
have enough AIM to keep you on track. AIM:  Accountability, Information, and 

I’m asking you to try something new. I’m asking you to not join Weight 
Watchers™, but instead to try my Reasonable Diet meetings.

The Reasonable Diet meetings provide AIM. You’ll get all three of these 
necessary components in big doses (and you’ll get them from me!)

Yes, you’ll get on the scale every week; but in addition to you are going to 
come face to face each week with people who care about you. A leader and 
other members who will ask you to follow up on your specific commitments. 
That is a level of accountability that really means something.

You want to follow Weight Watchers™  diet? Come and follow it with me. If 
you want me to help you make a lifestyle change instead of a diet - I can 
help you do that. If you want to follow my SimpleSteps diet – I can teach 
you that too. Tips, recipes, eating-out hints, paper and online journals -- 
you’ll have all the information and tools you need to lose weight.

I am a person with a proven track record of being a great motivator. (Heck, 
I’ve probably even motivated you before!) Why I am a great motivator? 
Because I’ve been through the trenches and learned to value every experience 
along the way – including having gained and lost weight. I am a great 
motivator because I know that people don’t need to follow the Weight 
Watchers’ path. For that matter they don’t needed to follow my path – what 
they need is to be guided to find their own path .

You know me – I can be trusted to help you find ways to address your 
challenges - and at our groups we have a good time doing it!

I’ve added a Weight Watcher™  type meeting starting Wednesday, September 7 
at 5:30 at the Urbana Civic Center.  This, in addition to the great 
opportunity to be a part of a small group on Tuesday (10:30AM or 5:30PM) or 
Saturday (9:30AM). Get details and sign up through my new website (Sign up 
before September 1 for a savings).


Email me or call me if you have any questions. 217-367-6345.

--- Oh, and one more thing ---

I’M HAVING A SOLO SHOW in the new Illini Union Art Gallery. What was 
formerly the “browsing room” of the Illini Union is now a beautiful art 
gallery – made even more beautiful by my paintings which are currently on 
display there. Click here for a quick peek. 

Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 1 at 5:30PM for the Artist’s 
Reception. Food and drinks will be catered and I will be giving a short talk 
about my work at 6PM. Come as you are – but do come!

Sandra Ahten

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