[Community] Tenant Key use

Elizabeth Simpson elizacorps at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 15 13:58:28 CDT 2010

Joy and all.

Thanks for this. The key that is for any tenant room is also for the main space, correct? 

Perhaps we can make a clause that if a key is for a tenant room is intended for that room, and is NOT license to use the general space?


I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.
-Harriet Tubman


--- On Mon, 3/15/10, JOY <imcbooks at gmail.com> wrote:

From: JOY <imcbooks at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [IMC] Phone and Services Policy
To: "Elizabeth Simpson" <elizacorps at yahoo.com>
Cc: "imc" <imc at ucimc.org>, imc-bookkeeper at lists.chambana.net, community at lists.chambana.net
Date: Monday, March 15, 2010, 2:36 PM

Hi All,
I have attached the key holder contract. The short version of the story is this... OddMusic (Jacob Barton and Andrew Heathwaite) requested that we give Derrick a key. Since OddMusic is a tenant of the IMC, I took the request to Finance, where it was approved. I gave the key to Jacob Barton and told him that as the lessee, OddMusic was responsible for the key. 

I mention this because there is no policy that I'm aware of regarding tenants giving keys to whomever they desire or dealing with the fallout when the key recipient conducts business outside of the leased room. 

Another issue that may come into play here is that OddMusic approached Steering about becoming a working group. Perhaps that is where Derrick gets the notion that he "works" for the IMC?


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Elizabeth Simpson <elizacorps at yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi all, 

There has been some lack of clarity around phone use, keys, and also about charging for services performed while at the IMC. 

Carly, Brian, Meme, Chris R. and I have met to draft a policy we'd like to see go into effect immediately. If you (spokes) agree, we propose that the membership would be notified of the policy as being in effect until the next steering meeting, at which time we'll address and confirm it. 

It's like this:

The IMC phone is for IMC-related business only, and is not available for incoming or outgoing personal calls.
Individuals or groups who do not have an explicit agreement (e.g. lease) with the IMC may not charge for services performed at or through the IMC. This policy does not affect Shows Group, other events organized by working
 groups, or people renting the space.  

Only people who are paid by the IMC can represent themselves as working for the IMC. 

(The technical language for the next piece exists somewhere as the key policy- Joy, can you provide it as a reminder to us?)

Only certain members of working groups and tenants have keys. Keys are not transferable. You may not give your key to another person.  If you no longer want your key, turn it in to the bookkeeper. 


There are a few individuals, including Derrik, who were not aware of these types of things, and Meme and Brian are going to speak to them about it. 

We continue to work towards clarifying our policies so that everyone can have a healthy and fruitful IMC experience. Go IMC!

Community Connections

I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew
 they were slaves.
-Harriet Tubman



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Joy Davis
UCIMC Office Manager
202 S. Broadway Ave., Suite 100

Urbana, IL 61801
imcbooks at gmail.com

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