[Cprb] meeting Nov 4, 2004

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 15 14:53:25 CDT 2004

Folks I understand that I reserved the wrong space for
our next meeting November 4, so I called to change it.
 The problem is that the free community room in the
Douglass Branch Library can only be reserved *until*
7:45 pm, because that's when the library closes.  So I
reserved it from 6:30-7:30 pm, but I'd be glad to call
back and change it if that was the wrong decision.

We can either keep that reservation (free but not the
time we want), pay for the $80 room at Douglass Center
and have the time we want, or look for someplace else.
 What do you think?


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