[CUWiN-Dev] status of RouteViz? Google maps?

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Sun Oct 2 14:54:38 CDT 2005

Hi Sean & Chase & Tom (et al.),

It sounds like there's interest in integrating the Wiki and Google Map info -- 
which would be awesome.  Sean has done a bunch of work on this -- perhaps him, 
Chase and Tom can get this situated?  Also, we should standardize the info with 
CNT folks -- think "one big map" -- where we can put all CUWiN nodes that want 
to be listed.

tom wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 03:03 -0700, Sean Fioritto wrote:
>>Here is what I have so far:
> That looks pretty good! So just to be clear, this is all based on a list
> independent of the wiki, right? It's been populated with similar
> entries, but that's just to get started? It might be useful to actually
> link it directly the wiki, because otherwise we're editing two different
> sources with the same information.

I would agree -- we need a single location to put info where different 
information can be drawn into a map.  It doesn't need to be the wiki -- but it 
should be a secure location.  Basically, we need one map that just has addresses 
and node status (e.g., "Internet connected," "operational but not connected," 
"broken," and "potential node location") and another that has this information 
plus contact info for each location (and is behind password protection).

>>To add a node, just type an address into the box. It uses geocoder.us
>>to figure out gps coordinates. And you can click on nodes to get a
>>closer view, and then if you click on the generated link you can edit
>>individual attributes.
>>What would be useful? Obviously, there needs to be a way to delete
>>nodes, and when adding a node type more information than just the
>>address. So aside from the roughness, what should we add/fix?
>>The markers are smaller icons because I discovered I could change
>>them, so it would be pretty easy to create different icons for
>>different nodes. Do we want different colors to indicate different
>>clouds, or whether they are affiliated or not?

Yes, ("Internet connected," "operational but not connected," "broken," and 
"potential node location") would be useful.

>>What other attributes would be useful? I've just picked some nearly at
>>random to give myself some fields to play with.
> Fields that would be key for a development map would be some of the same
> stuff that's on the wiki, most notably IP address and software version. 

These would definitely be useful -- we should also include a "notes/comments" 

>>Thanks for any feedback. I have almost no web development experience,
>>except for what you see, so I realize it's terrible. One thing that
>>definitely needs to be added is a login, because right now anyone can
>>edit, add, etc. What is a good way to do this with PHP?
> There are a number of ways to do it but assuming you're using sessions
> of some kind already it's not hard to implement a little chunk of code
> that stores a username and a hash of a password and then compares that
> to a stored pair in, say, a MySQL database or a flat text file when
> trying to access a 'restricted' page. If you want a hand with that I'd
> be happy to help.
> Overall that's looking pretty sharp.
> Tom

A MySQL database might be perfect for this sort of system -- we just need a way 
to ensure that there is a "public" side to the data and a "private" side so that 
we can separate internal and freely available information.


Sascha Meinrath
Policy Analyst    *  Project Coordinator  *  President
Free Press       *** CU Wireless Network *** Acorn Active Media
www.freepress.net *  www.cuwireless.net   *  www.acornactivemedia.com

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