[CUWiN-Dev] gateway monitoring

Bill Comisky bcomisky at pobox.com
Thu Aug 3 12:54:41 CDT 2006

Tom mentioned monitoring recently, which motivated me to dust off a 
monitoring solution I used for the Chicago network gateways.  I removed 
all the network specific info and tar'd it up here:


These files acquire data from the gateway nodes via ssh and store them to 
RRD files (see http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/). There's a web interface to 
make graphs and display logs.  Graphable things include:

beacon strength received at gateway**
ETX metrics between nodes
# entries in routing table
input/output bandwidth
load average
free space on MFS

** may require root ssh access to run tcpdump; also probably doesn't work 
properly with latest CUWiN/BSD snapshot due to tcpdump output changes, 
though should be simple to fix.

Things like BSSID changes are also logged.

There are README files in the main directories with instructions, 
dependencies, configuration, etc.  I'd be happy to help set something up 
if someone wants to try it on their network.  Probably a good idea to try 
it on a non-critical gateway first, use at your own risk, etc.


Bill Comisky
bcomisky at pobox.com

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