[CUWiN-Dev] feature list of updoming cuwin release 0.7.0 (please review and reply)...

Bryan Cribbs bdcribbs at ojctech.com
Mon Sep 11 15:16:37 CDT 2006

* Bill Comisky <bcomisky at pobox.com> :
> >* nodeconfig beta (we are soliciting feedback from the user
> >community; the production version of nodeconfig will be released with
> >0.8.0)
> What is the upgrade path?  Will the new system read the old
> configuration files?

The upgrade by default will carry over the existing cuw_config 
file and should be transparent in that case.  The old values will 
be used.  An upgrade -C will abandon the existing cuw_config file 
and replace it with whatever is in the .tgz (the stock config, 
unless it was customized by the maker of the upgrade tgz).

> Is the new configuration file/command line/web page interface
> documented anywhere?

The documentation in trunk/doc/local/web-interface.d/ has been 
updated periodically, but may need another pass to ensure it is 
up-to-date with the most recent implementation.

That documentation mostly covers the meaning of the keys recognized 
in the cuw_config file.  The order they are honored in is:
	1) "if_<iface>_xxx" - explicitly configured by user
	2) "default_if_xxx" - defaults from cuw_config (stock or customized)
	3) look for equivilant legacy keyname
	4) hardcoded defaults - either constants or dynamicaly 
	   computed values (e.g. /sbin/ethip for default addresses).

There is online help built into the web interface -- however it is very
out of date.

In 0.7.0, the node can be reached iff it is a non-IC node at
If it is an IC node you'll have to know how to find it's IP*.  (will be
smoother for the public nodeconfig release in 0.8.0).  It is only
reachable over a wired interface and this is not expected to change 
for the 0.8.0 release.

The previously existing command line tool has been deprecated for 
the forseeable future.


[*] If your workstation isn't on the same subnet as the node, you have to
set up a tunnel to reach it.

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