Kristina Williams kristinawho at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 22:40:38 CDT 2011

So the GRC folks have been talking, and it's been mostly agreed upon
that, instead of them deciding who should receive the bid this year,
WRFU and KKFI should decide amongst themselves who will host and then
next year the other will follow suit. I sent an email to the main
coordinator of KKFI whose been in communication with the GRC list
outlining why the GRC would be important for us THIS year
(specifically relating to raising awareness of and helping pay for the
radio tower), but really, this is a conversation that everyone at WRFU
should be weighing in on. I (and KKFI and the GRC) really need to know
how you feel about hosting this year vs. next year. Kansas City also
feels very strongly about hosting this year. WRFU needs to think very
hard about what hosting the GRC would do for WRFU (and WEFT for that
matter) this year, whether its an investment we want to make now or
later, and why.


Kristina Williams, News Media Coordinator
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
202 S Broadway
Urbana, IL 61801
AmeriCorps member

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