[Imc-girls] RAGG minutes 3.30.04

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at ojctech.com
Thu Apr 1 09:52:21 CST 2004

RAGG minutes 3.30.04

Who is here: Maggie, Danielle, Briana, Zoe G, Sarah, Danielle, Michelle A, 
Flannery, Miranda, Halle - hope I didn't miss anyone!

- need website space on IMC - waiting to hear back from Zach - Danielle 
can help get space -  Anne suggested using webeasel

- need brochures - Michelle will make 1/2 page flier

- logo is done - flannery and michelle made it - yea!

- regular meetings every Tuesday at 6:30 PM

- $186 are in our account - yea!

- Miranda will bring back RAGG magnets

- e-mail: we have two lists.  everyone is on both now.  some men are on 
our list.
the larger member list is public and unmoderated.  
core list is womyn/grrrlz only and the archives are not public.  it is 

Zoe S - can you set this up?

First meeting: today after this meeting - and after every Tuesday RAGG 

Kick off weekend?
May 14-15 as kick off party weekend - 2 days.
May 14 - show/fundraiser - Missing in Action, Tirade, Reaccion
May 15 - party - ust a jam hang out good time - female DJ, multicultural 
music - there is a female DJ at BarFly

Afro-Cuban - Giralso Rosales plays in a band - Danielle will ask
Chambana with Nate Banks - Shawn will ask

(note: Zoe is out of town starting May 9 for the rest of May).
(note: school ends in June)

Fliers - Flannery and Miranda can work on them - they just need content

Sound workshop zoe, sarah, maybe lori serb can help?

Danielle will type workshop ideas from poster into an e-mail (the poster 
is behind her couch).

Fall Workshop ideas and dates? 

Zine - Zoe, Miranda, Flannery, Shawn D, Michelle, Cordelia, Zoe S, Briana
Meeting after RAGG meetings every week

Website - Michelle, Anne, Danielle, Shawn D, Sarah
Meet as needed

Kick off weekend, May 14-15 - Shawn D (DJ), Briana, Miranda (food), Anne 
(yes Anne, we volunteered you, but you could refuse) 
1st and 3rd Mondays 6:30 PM

| Danielle Chynoweth

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