[IMC-US] Re: syndication issues

gekked at blackflag.net gekked at blackflag.net
Wed Feb 9 16:16:52 CST 2005

>    One issue, however: A number of the syndicated articles, particularly
>    from sf-imc, are just reposts from relatively mainstream media
>    sources.  Is there some way that the syndication streams can be
>    modified, filtered, limited so that these things don't get through?

Thank you for your suggestion of singling out SF-IMC for moderation and
filtering. Certainly, there are many stories I see syndicated from many
different IMCs which I would want to moderate or filter -- but I don't 
see how that could possibly be within the scope of US-IMC, which is 
intended to be an aggregation of the efforts of all US Indymedia's.

As you may know, SF-IMC is beta-testing the newest version of the
software which runs many IMC's around the world. So, we are unique
in that we're doing syndication differently and that could be
subject to change. I would encourage you to email sf at indymedia.org
with suggestions you have about stories we've promoted into 
syndication -- we definitely try to keep verbatim reprints from
copyrighted sources out and we're actively beta testing the new
software so your suggestions can help the greater Indymedia
community if they are sent to us as bugreports rather than sent
to this list as a moderation request.

Looking through the latest, though, the stuff syndicated from 
SF-IMC includes something from Baltimore Indymedia, PWW, research
about DHS Port Security grants, several original articles, some
summaries/pointers to blogs. I found one relevant pointer to an 
article in Editor & Publisher, as well as a summary about 
something which appeared in the Nation (not a repost from the 
Nation). So, I'm wondering if the problem here is overstated? 

-gek, sf indymedia

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