[Imc] Progressive Calendar

Clinton Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Mon Aug 20 16:24:35 UTC 2001

On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 10:41:09AM -0500, Sandra Ahten wrote:

> I think a logical way to proceed is to think of having a database of
> progressive events and then to think of how this information could
> be gathered and how it could be disseminated. The public i is one
> obvious means... but WEFT sorely lacks a community calendar and a
> decent "PSA" (public service announcement) system.  The web page
> would be much more up to the minute than a monthly newspaper and
> also we could think of having a one page bulliten board type
> calendar (like the Progressive calendar of the PRC used to be).  So
> if we had a system for gathering and sorting the information we
> could probably get it out to in at least 4 different ways.  We could
> probably also do "collective" newsreleases to the "dominent media"
> and get the info published in other venues/ ie get more coverage for
> the events themselves.

Do you mean like:


You can click on a date, add an event, search for events, or update an
event.  It seems to already have some non-IMC progressive events on
it.  The only disadvantage I see is that it uses the horrid color
scheme common to the rest of the site :) <ducks>

The software on the back end ("active") doesn't seem to have the
ability to export the information to different formats, but the
database is a simple flat file, so if you have another format you'd
like to see the information in, I could hack something together in
perl to do that.  

Sorting should be pretty easy too; I could add a popup that allowed
people adding events to tag them as related to things like
"environment," "protest," "party", etc, and then provide a form to
search for events of a given class.

			(Lurking programmer)

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