[Imc] digital camera

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Wed Dec 19 01:08:54 UTC 2001

there's an interesting note on the digital camera, which says that the
camera is full and that whoever uses it next must download the files on
the camera to a computer.

ok, folks, please don't think that others are here to clean up your
messes!  if you take the pictures, then you are responsible for removing
them from the camera's compactflash card (or the memory chip on the
camera, whichever you were using).  when you return the camera it must be
in a state ready for use by the next person, else you're not being fair to
that person.

i'm going to go ahead and erase all the pix on the card this time (i'm
assuming that people have done what they've needed with the pixs on there
already, otherwise, they wouldn't have returned the camera....it's not an
archiving device)  This way it'll be ready for the next person to use.

there seems to be a continuing tendency for equipment to be used as
storage (either that or people are being a bit lazy and thinking that
others will clean up their files for them).  if we had a paid staff who
could devote his/her/its energy to doing so, then perhaps it wouldn't be
that big of a concern.  however, we don't have such, and thus us
volunteers have to do what you volunteers should have done (heh heh, nice
setting up of that there ol' us vs them scenario, yes?).

i myself don't like deleting files without archiving them first, and i
find i don't have the time to do that on a continuous basis (which is why
the hard drives fill up).  however, i've been told that this (deleting
files withour archiving them) can be a common practice and can help people
be motivated to do their own archiving. any thoughts on this?


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