Sascha Meinrath meinrath at students.uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 2 23:48:35 UTC 2001

I will be giving out keys at next Sunday's IMC meeting.  If you are
coordinating IMC activities and will need access to the space you can get
your very own key.  Please do not ask for a key unless you are coordinating
IMC meetings, events, or production as we are trying to keep the number of
circulating keys to a minimum.

Here's how we decided to do it:

You will need to pay a $20 deposit for each key (sorry, no money, no key)
and give me your name and contact information.  You will get your deposit
back when you return your key.  The rationale for this deposit is that we
will, from time to time, want to change the front lock of the IMC.  Whoever
is coordinating keys at that time will contact you to turn in your keys and
get a replacement based on the contact information you provide (it is your
responsibility to keep it up to date).  People who do not return their key
within a week of the lock change will forfeit their deposit.  This will
help to offset the cost of replacing keys and locks.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I want it to be very clear now so that
people understand how and why we're doing things this way.  If you have any
questions, please let me know.


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