[Imc] garage sale?

Jay Morris jrmorris at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 7 23:24:30 UTC 2001


What do you think about an IMC-benefit garage sale? I was thinking of
having a garage sale next Saturday and Sunday (July 14-15) anyway, so
here's what I'm proposing.  Whoever is interested and wants to get rid
of their stuff, should drop it off at my place some time this week.
I'll host the garage sale and try to get rid of as much stuff as I
can.  The profits will go to the IMC.

Whatever is left can either be moved along to the next garage sale
next weekend (at your house!) or it can be dropped off at whatever
charity people like ... or you can take it back if you decide you want
it after all!

*******IF YOU HAVE STUFF********

-stop by this week and add your stuff to the pile that will be in the
front lobby of my apartment building (709 west nevada in urbana)(the
stuff will be safe in the front lobby)
-email (jrmorris at hotmail.com) or call me (328-4648) if you need help
(e.g., a car or some extra hands)
-please make sure you put a piece of tape on your things with a
suggested price.  otherwise, I will just sell it for whatever the
person wants to give me.  stuff must go away!
-if you have big things (carpet, furniture, etc) that you want to get
rid of, but you can't bring over here, please email me some details
and your contact info, and i'll have a whiteboard out on the lawn with
things like that written on it.

*******IF YOU WANT TO HELP OUT*******

-stop by saturday or sunday 7am-2pm and help sell things!
-bring your friends!
-bring a guitar!
-set up a lemonade stand!
-stand on Nevada and direct traffic to the front lawn!
-juggle live rabbits!

*******IF YOU HAVE IDEAS********

If you have ideas on how to make this work out even better, tell me!

IMC Finance people:

I'm assuming this is all okay with the IMC, since it's officially just
a regular old garage sale and the profits will be donated seperately.
Am I wrong about this? Is there anything we need to do differently? Is
it okay to officially call this an 'IMC Garage Sale', or would that
get us into trouble? Should this go under 'donations' or is there some
other category ('fundraisers'?) that the money should go into? If this
turns out to be an official IMC garage sale, do we have some kind of
big sign we can put up?

Please let me know what you think.


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