[Imc] space group meeting minutes 7/25/01

nancy dietrich nancydietrich at juno.com
Fri Jul 27 00:30:51 UTC 2001

IMC Space Group meeting
Attending:  Sarah, Sascha, John W., Ellen, Nancy, Russ

******If you or someone you know have any hanging plants, the IMC could
use more for the front window.**********

Sarah suggested some signs need to be made to remind people to purchase
food.  Another suggestion for a sign was in places where power should or
should not be turned off, so people know. (Sarah--did you say you could
paint the signs?  I couldn't remember--ND-R).

Sarah stated that she is pulling back from spending full-time on the IMC.
 So please do not volunteer her for anything, without speaking to her
first.  Also, this means WE'LL NEED EXTRA HELP around the IMC.  We don't
want to burn anyone out :-)

The rest of the meeting we rearranged the display cases and other
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