[Imc] Finance group meeting minutes 7/25/01

nancy dietrich nancydietrich at juno.com
Fri Jul 27 01:15:31 UTC 2001

IMC Finance Group Meeting
Attending:  Sarah, Sascha, Russ, Nancy, Ellen, Brian

Nancy relayed concerns about price of key deposit--perhaps too much,
especially for people who have equipment donated to the IMC?
Consensus was no, for the following reasons:
1.  Incentive for finding a lost key
2.  If someone loses a key, the IMC has to replace the lock + then go get
more keys made= huge expense for the IMC
3.  Having this policy actually helps protect the equipment located in
the IMC 

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! has offered to do a fundraiser for the U-C
IMC.  Tentative date:  Aug. 11th.  We still need to confirm the time. 
Danielle has been coordinating this effort.  Sarah said she will do
publicity;  Nancy will help Danielle coordinate.  Sascha will call Tim at
SFDS about providing coffee & dessert for the event.  Discussed possible
admission prices:  $15 for the bottom ticket price seemed right, based on
other events ($40 was the Nader price).

*******IMC NEEDS***********

1.  People to help with general membership management, like helping with
member database upkeep

2.  An accounting assistant, to learn the new bookkeeping software & help
keep up with the bookkeeping

3.  Coming up with & coordinating ideas for fundraisers:  FOUNDING
NEED ALTERNATIVE WAYS OF FUNDING THE IMC.  This is very important, as the
Founding Funders are the main source of IMC income at this point, which
also leads to #4:

4.  Person or persons to research & write grants to help fund the IMC.


A reminder to everyone--pay for any stuff for sale (food, minidisks,etc)
IMMEDIATELY after taking them.  It's easy to forget to pay if you take
something and say, "Oh, I'll pay for it on my way out," and then 2 hours
later, you forgot you had that ice cream sandwich in the first place.  So
just pay when you take it.  The IMC has been losing money on food sales,
so we need to be more diligent about this.  


One idea Sarah brought up is to have periodic (3 month) fundraisers &
bring in big names for them.   She also suggested having a huge Donor
Drive for the 1 year anniversary of the actual IMC location in January.  

The finance committee agreed to sponsor a poetry
reading/benefit/fundraiser by Alix Olson, who will give 60% of ticket
sales from the night to the IMC.  This will be held Aug. 17th.

Discussion about minidisk/CD's in newsroom:  Newsgroup agreed to purchase
CDs & minidisks used for IMC news purposes.

Sascha recently made a $1500 deposit & will be making another $500
deposit soon.   Sascha will make a budget report & bring to the next
Steering Committee meeting.

General membership meeting:  Ellen reported that Peter made some great
invitations for the round-up & hoe-down that will be sent out to people
on the IMC database on Aug. 10th.  ****If anyone would like to help with
this, please contact Peter.*****  Also, the next meeting to help plan the
membership meeting will be Friday, August 17th, 6pm.

Brian plans on contacting Molly to help plan the Midwest Regional IMC
conference, which he would like to see coincide with the U-C IMC 1st
anniversary of actual start (Sept. 26th).

Meeting adjourned with a round of ice cream sandwiches, and we all paid
for them :-)   
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