[Imc] heads up on Octo letter

Chas. M. Bee c-bee1 at uiuc.edu
Wed Jun 20 19:29:49 UTC 2001

Jason Pitzl wrote:
>         "Locally, WEFT radio's dealings with Pacifica are tortuous and defy easy
> summary."
> Pacifica wants a new contract and more money even though we have a perfectly
> legal contract that gives us the option to renew under the current terms.
> Pacifica has ignored WEFT and has given us zero support, they don't care
> about us, they have been directly deceitful in dealing with us and have no
> interest in working with us towards a solution.
> So lets send Pacifica the message that we'll pay no matter what they do to
> us!

   Absolutely.  And let's be absolutely sure to avoid any mention of the
above, the plethora of available alternate programming, or any efforts
by the local community to fill those slots, in our little letter to the Octopus.

   Sorry, but I get incredibly tired of people trolling for community
input on some issue while only telling 1/3 of the story.  It's nothing
but a cheap little trick to avoid any significant opposition while
sneaking some agenda in under the radar.  Of course, it's only bad when
our adversaries do it.  However, we all know that they just do that
because their argument is weak, eh?

   As I understand it, basically Pacifica says sign or do without. 
We're not deciding to drop pacifica, our only choices are to let them
space our current contract and sign the new one (I particularly like the
10%-more-per-year part), or not, right?

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