[Imc] thwarting of go-GMOs talk?

Sehvilla asta at advancenet.net
Wed Mar 28 05:53:48 UTC 2001


Tomorrow night at 7pm there is a presentation "to educate people about
GMOs" at some office of the Farm Bureau's in Champaign. The farm bureau is
explicitly pro-GMO. They will have several speakers who are supposed to
"educate" people concerned about GMOs. 

I'm interested in organizing people to go creatively and with-humor-ly
subversify (he he) the Farm Bureau's "education" night about GMOs...we
could do a little "educating" of our own.  Maybe Paul
Kotheimer could come and we could sing some of his songs about food, maybe
Susan could come and play accordion? There's a GM tomato costume (it's a
big cloth tomato with a cardboard fish's head, keeps you nice'n'toasty)
and a big box with a Frankenfood corn face on the side. We could do some
skit-ing between the tomato and the frankenfood...we could be garden
advocates and bring gardening tools and seed packets and/ or pretend to be
plants worrying about/taking action against/lamenting being Genetically
changed. Something to non-doom-and-gloomily counter the farm bureau's
"educating" about GMOs. 

  I'm also interested in the IMC covering the event. I can write up my
experience for the webpage, and also maybe someone else could do
written/audio/VIDEO (ooh!nice!) coverage. 

 Who's interested in doing  doing the action? Who's interested in covering
for the IMC? Who wants directions?
  You can call me or reply to this email, my phone number is 344-2394.
Please let me know. 

  No GMOs!



"...Monsanto's own tests showed increased levels of mastitis, a painful
udder infection, in cows injected with rBGH. According to food safety
experts, increased levels of mastitis would force farmers to use more
antibiotics, which would be more likely to contaminate the cows' milk.  
rBGH milk would also spoil faster because it contains more bacteria and
has a higher "somatic cell count" (translated into layman's language, this
means that the milk contains "more pus")."
                            from "Toxic Sludge is Good For You"

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