[Imc] Re: Pacifica Cut Off (fwd)

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Wed May 30 23:00:10 UTC 2001

more of the same debate about pacifica's standing at WEFT.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:11:44 -0500
From: Don Pakey <cfddp at eiu.edu>
To: weft-b at prairienet.org
Subject: Re: Pacifica Cut Off

Well, given the indecisive results of our straw poll of last night, it
seems clear that we really do need to see what the associates have to say.
If Pacifica really does cut us off exactly on 6/7 (which I doubt) we would
then by default essentially be taking the John Coleman option (a trial
separation), I guess. In any case, we (the PC?) should if possible compile
at least 15 or 20 hours of public affairs programming (we've probably got
that or more if we're actually allowed to air all those demos that Dave
Witzany told us about last night). Then if we really do get cut off we'll
have a couple weeks to figure out what to do more permanently, such as
increase music programming, re-sign with Pacifica, or find enough public
affairs stuff to fill the time.


>Well, it finally happened.  I got a call from Marianna from the
>Accounting Dept. at Pacifica on the west coast.  She is doing her job.
>Apparently the Dev. Dir., JoAnne Merideth is in charge of the affiliate
>issues now.
>And Marianna has been charged to send us a bill, and a letter, and a
>supposed correspondance from Feb. that WEFT has never received, letting
>us know that we have until June 7th to pay $3050.00 in full (this covers
>the price of Democracy Now at our level of affiliation) AND sign the
>contract, or they will cut off our service at that time.
>I have much to comment on, but am too busy at the moment.  Suffice to
>say, WEFT has played it completely above board.  Pacifica has blown us
>off, dissed us, been unresponsive, irresponsible, unaccountable, and
>simply don't give a shit about us or their previous agreement with us.
>That's it for now.  More will come from me to you, you can be sure of
>I have left a message at work for Chairman Mark, and I am going to leave
>a message for Marvin Gerstein.
>This is truly up to the BOD to deal with this.  Pacifica's decision will
>go into effect, theoretically, the day after the Associates meeting.
>This is an opportunity for the whole station to figure this one out.
>Good luck.  And be not afraid to call it as it is, which ever way you
>all decide.--Mick

Donald D. Pakey
Physics Department, Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston IL 61920
ddpakey at eiu.edu
(h) 217-367-0975
(w) 217-581-3420

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