[Imc] additions to newsgroup minutes 9/16

Mark Enslin enslin at prairienet.org
Mon Sep 17 14:01:42 UTC 2001

Attending (before I had to leave at 2): Peter M, Paul R,
Paul K, Pauline B, Avram G-T, Mike F,
Danielle C, Aimee J, Molly S, Brent M, Mark E

Urgent call from public i editors for pieces for next issue; though Sunday
was the deadline for first drafts, the deadline can probably be stretched.
Paul K asks about the possibility of reserving space for potential late
news on end-of-month protests before going to press; Mark offers a poem
that could be bumped for this.

Regarding the new audio edting computer in the production room: audio
producers are encouraged to use that one instead of Sergei, which should
generally be reserved for video editing and to allow Brian H greater
access (given that Sergei is on loan from him...) 

Suggestion to refer to the new machine as "Mink", in honor of Maiko
C who contributed to its purchase...
Molly suggests placing the link from Mink to Sergei on the desktop.

Suggestion from Cope Cumpston (announced but not discussed at the meeting)
to have a regular segment on the Newshour devoted to reports on the Urbana
and Champaign school boards and city councils. Cope offers to help (Sascha
suggests also asking Maiko...)


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