[Imc] Shows group meeting minutes (4/3/02):

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 4 04:43:03 UTC 2002

Shows group meeting minutes (4/3/02):

Present: Jenny S., Eric H., Sascha M., Clint P.

Where is everyone???

Where are the flyers???  Eric will check with the folks who are flyering
to see how much it would cost.

Matt, Zach, and Amy are working the show on Saturday.  Jenny will call
Matt to remind him.

May 4, 2002 show is still not set.  We're still wondering what's up.

Jimmy's PA doesn't work too well.  Eric will buy a PA in consultation with
Jimmy.  Sascha will front the money as needed.

Eric will contact Bent Til Broken re: renting on May 11th.

Tomorrow from 8-10 there will be a show rental.  Because new protocols
were not in place, Jenny charged $50.


Temporary rental rate for back room:

$70 for the space; $30 for sound (PA and sound person) -- sound person has
the option to keep the funding.

IMC shows keep minimum of 25% of the door.

[Nick & Matt join the meeting]

Shows & rentals should only be booked once staffing is taken care of.

Middle room is still at old rates.


Big discussion about show rental vs. booking process.  Decided that Clint
will do rentals and Eric/Jenny will book shows.  Everyone will consult
with the shows group and with the space book.

Clint will build an electronic space book calendar.


Issues of reliability were talked about at length.


Lights & Wiring: needs to be cleaned up.  Several people have mentioned
being worried about the setup.  There's too much stuff hanging and it
looks really messy.


Nick will start looking for gear to be donated.



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