[Imc] Cabaret tonight

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Thu Apr 18 16:47:49 UTC 2002

Hey all,

	The cabaret will be held, as always (well, "always" since last
week and continuing until it is changed again) tonight from 8-10pm at
the IMC.  

	We need performers!  We'd really like to attract a diverse set
of acts, so if you have _anything_ that could be done on a stage in
front of people, please dazzle us.  Also, if there is interest, the
cabaret can turn into a sing towards the end, as it has a few times in
the past, assuming a guitarist or two is on hand.

	Refreshments will be served, candles will be lit, and folding
chairs await your weight at the IMC Cabaret!


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