[Imc] librarians meeting minutes 04/23/02

james robertson jacobs jacobs at students.uiuc.edu
Wed Apr 24 01:44:47 UTC 2002

Library Notes 04/23/02

Attending: James (notes), Ellen, Lyn

Next week's agenda: This week's agenda will roll over to next meeting.
Anyone interested in these items should contact the librarians.


--Expanding the subject headings: James would like to expand the subject
headings. Currently there are 9 headings along with Zines and videos.
Ellen thinks the collection is still quite small and "handle-able".
Therefore, perhaps showing the sub-category list (which is around
somewhere) more prominently will help a lot. James points out several
science-type books that are in the collection now that don't really have a
subject area. It was agreed that James to find other colored stickers and
add one subject area, "science and technology".

--Archiving IMC material

Idea to start a file on newspaper clippings, stories etc that had been
written about the IMC. Ellen thinks we have a lot on our plates right now.
James agrees. There is currently a file in the vertical file labeled "IMC
- publicity" that we will put news stories in when we find them. However,
we cannot actively look for stories at this time. If anyone has stories
etc about the IMC, please give them to the librarians.

--Getting new blood in the librarian group:

This will become an issue in the coming months. James is graduating from
UIUC and is actively seeking employment. Ellen is writing her thesis. Lyn
is also busy. There are no ideas on how to drum up more volunteers at this
time. This will be discussed more at the next meeting also.

--More room for donations

We will talk more about this next time.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40.

Respectfully submitted by James Jacobs

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