[Imc] Space group Aug 7, 2002

mlehman mlehman at students.uiuc.edu
Thu Aug 8 00:55:11 UTC 2002

MIke L (notes), Sascha, Paul R.

Toilet is fixed.

Coat hooks are coming. 48 of them. In the hallway, low enough so that art can 
still go on the wall.

Rope lights for front window to increase eye candy.

 We’ll install some new bulbs to bring some light as the evenings close down 

Art Attack: they’re unsure of their existence as of Aug 31. They  may be 
interested in working out a deal where they would staff the space and give us 
some percentage of their profits in exchange for rent. There are concerns 
about coordinating with programs at the IMC and other issues. These are 
preliminary discussions only, if these discussions are approved by the 
Steering group.

Floor in middle room waiting on labor being available.

Sledgehammer: Mike mistakenly took home a sledgehammer when picking up a bunch 
of his tools. It is now back at the IMC where the work tools are kept.

Mike Lehman

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