[Imc] field bag #5

Brian Hagy bhagy at urbana.indymedia.org
Sat Feb 23 23:38:07 UTC 2002

here we go again folks.  who has field bag #5, which is also known as the
conference bag?  it's not in the black cabinet, not checked out, and not
located in the IMC.  this bag is the kit with the boundary mike for
tabletop recording.  it's the big bag.

this is a bit ridiculous.  we just went through this.  if you take
equipment from the black cabinet you check it out.

since this is the second time this has occurred (with a 30-day period, at
that), i'm going to recommend to the space group that the cabinet be
locked, and that the key be accessible to the staffer.  the staffer would
be responsible for checking out equipment.  how to deal with this after
hours is up in the air.  it's kinda sad that i'm even having to think this
way, since i really don't like locking things.  but we can't have
equipment disappearing, and if people don't feel like or don't remember to
sign out equipment, then it's similar to it disappearing.

any other ideas or proposals?


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