[Imc] IMC @ Allen Hall Monday

Paul Riismandel p-riism at uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 25 05:53:42 UTC 2002

A reminder that all IMCistas are invited and encouraged to be at the first 
night of the IMC's residency at Unit One/Allen Hall. The more the merrier!

Here's the line-up for Monday:
Monday Feb. 25:
5:00 PM Dinner -- Informal conversation on the topic of the role of alt. 
and indy media

8:00pm ­ Opening Program: Birth of a Revolution: An Intro to the Indymedia 
Indymedia volunteers will give a brief introduction to the birth of the IMC 
movement at the Nov. 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, and tell how these seeds 
took root in Urbana-Champaign, growing one of the most active and thriving 
Indymedia Centers in the world.

10:00pm ­ Informal Discussion with IMC members (in the guest apartment)
Meet the volunteers behind Indymedia and find out about how grassroots 
media happens.

See you there!

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