[Imc] The IMC Shows group could use your help!

Arun Bhalla bhalla at uiuc.edu
Tue Jul 23 23:09:52 UTC 2002

The IMC Shows group could use your help.  Currently a small group does
everything from booking shows, flyering across town, staffing the door
at shows, running the sound equipment during shows, and keeping the room
and sound equipment well-maintained.

If you have interest in any of the above, or anything related, you can
join us for our weekly meetings, Wednesday nights at 9pm in the IMC
front room (218 W. Main, Urbana).

If you can't make it to our weekly meetings or just want to help in a small
way, such as by putting up flyers each week on a given route, please email
me (bhalla at uiuc.edu), indicating your interest.  

We would like the IMC Shows group to grow.  Let us know how you can help!


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