[Imc] Draft of text for <http://www.ucimc.org/mediation.html> (fwd)

John Wason jwason at prairienet.org
Fri Jul 26 11:36:44 UTC 2002

At 12:10 AM 07/26/2002 -0500, Paul Kotheimer wrote:

>hi folkses
>by request, here's an e-mail copy of the draft i passed out to
>steering group two sundays ago.
>just for some context, it's proposed that this text (subject to revisions
>submitted by all and any) become a web-page linked to the www.ucimc.org
>site, and that it be in place to hook IMC participants up with conflict
>resolution resources for conflicts they might encounter inside the IMC.
>my understanding is that this text is on the agenda for participant
>comment and improvements at the next two steering meetings.  i hope that
>info is legit.
>and i hope my ideas help...
>Since all IMC working and steering meetings are open to the public, any
>willing IMC participant or community ally can act as a mediator or
>advocate.  A "MEDIATOR" is someone who meets with PERSONS-IN-CONFLICT with
>the goal of turning complaints and concerns into proposals and ultimately
>CHANGES in the IMC.  An "ADVOCATE" is someone who attends meetings as your
>proxy, voicing concerns and proposals on your behalf.
>The IMC has a number of dedicated MEDIATION volunteers who can be of
>assistance to you in times of conflict.  If you want the assistance of one
>of our mediation volunteers, you can contact one specifically by phone or
>e-mail.  Feel free, also, to e-mail them ALL at the address
><mediation at ucimc.org.>
>Here are the names and contact preferences of our (more-or-less) fearless
>PAUL KOTHEIMER		herringb at prairienet.org		384-0299
>best to e-mail me with a description of the conflict at hand 
>and when's the best time for us to talk in person. 
>CONF LICTRESOLUTION	mediator at conflict.imc		123-4567
>call me on my cel-phone.  early evenings are my best time to meet.
>ETCETERA			etcetera at etcetera.etc		012-3456
>i don't check e-mail every day, but i'll get back to you within two
>working days.
>PLACE HOLDER		placeholder at thislist.list		222-2222
>i assume you get the idea.

I get the idea, Paul, that you're the only actual MEDIATION VOLUNTEER who
can be directly contacted.


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