[Imc] 3/2 Steering Meeting

Clint Popetz cpopetz at cpopetz.com
Sun Mar 3 23:11:33 UTC 2002

Steering Committee Meeting

In attendance:

Paul R, Mike L, Brian H, Avram, Michael F, David Gerhrig, Russ R, 
James J, Jenny S, Clint, Ellen, Mark E, Orion

Sascha facilitates, Clint takes notes.

Group reports:

Print:  Yesterday was deadline for final drafts for March issue.
Issue looks good.  Heading into Layout soon.

Tech: Four people were wowed by tech group presence at Allen Hall

Space: Back room coming along.  

Radio: Danielle is liaison to WEFT.  Avram is coordinating LitBL to 

Outreach: Nothing to report.

Librarians: Met at Allen Hall, two non-IMC people were wowed.  Will meet
Tuesday at 8pm.  Need people with experience with MySQL databases.

Finance: Going well, nothing new here.

Staffing: Need keys if you aren't using them.

Old Business:

Allen Hall Wrap-up:  Considering mid terms and the bare two week prep
time, it was successful.  The people that attended were enthusiastic.
If we are to do it again, and had more time, we could whip up more
interest.  Larger groups like the IMC aren't as common at Allen Hall;
focusing on one or two people tends to work well.  

Swiss IMC:

David wrote and Sascha reviewed a letter that was posted to the Swiss
IMC.  The letter purported to represent the IMC, but was not approved
by the Steering Group.  There was some concern that it did not just
represent solidarity with the Swiss IMC, but rather had a lot of

Consensus was that Mike Lehman's followup to David's letter clarified
things well enough.  However, in the future the process should include
mailing to the group the final draft of letters representing the

Global IMC:

The proposal is on the table for the global IMC to become a "project" of
the UCIMC, i.e. the UCIMC is the fiscal sponsor for the global IMC.  The
money for the global IMC would go through the UCIMC, and we would take
5%.  Note that this is the global IMC finance group, and not "all

Membership meeting update:

Tentative date for end of this month.  Michael Feltes volunteered to
coordinate.  The agenda would include group reports and proposed
changes at a minimum.  Invitations need to be sent, and possible food 
arranged.  Contact Michael to help.

New Business:

Stealing from the IMC

Around $100 is missing, in addition to the $40 that was taken and
returned by one (anonymous) member.  That member doesn't want to come
to the steering group, in fear of intimidation.  He has agreed to come
to the space meeting, which will serve as a place for him to provide
information related to this event.  An offer will be extended at that
meeting for him to come to the next steering committee meeting, where
sanctions will be discussed, as well as strategies for avoiding future
incidents of this nature.

Back Back Room:

Work continues, we need your help today.  This goes live Friday.

Shows Ad-Hoc working group proposal:  (Jenny) A new group, not
budgeted but possibly to become official later, was approved, with the
purpose of coordinating shows.  Jenny is the spoke, and there will be
a meeting Wednesday at 9pm.

IMC Survey:  Need five volunteers to help a group writing a grant
proposal for the IMC.  Done.


So we have this music festival.  Flyers were passed out.  Contact Jenny
if you can help staff, do food, run sound, etc.  

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