[Imc] Steering Group Meeting Notes: 9/8/02

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Sun Sep 8 17:19:11 UTC 2002

Present: Sascha M., Mike L. & a few dozen Grrrlfest participants.

MISSING SPOKES: News/Radio, Print, Tech, Librarians, Shows.

Sascha & Mike plan to put in new bulbs in the middle room.  Finance
reports the following expenses: $40 for bulbs (to come from Space Budget);
$150 in building/painting materials for Middle-Room Gallery (to come from
Shows Budget).

Sascha is working on a Ford Foundation grant.  Capital Campaign still
needs volunteers.

Annual Indymedia Gathering still needs coordinators.

Membership meeting needs a coordinator or two.

CGFC foodstuffs are _very_ low -- we need more ordered/delivered.

TOMORROW, Monday, at 5:30p.m. there will be a workday at the IMC -- please
come lend a hand as we repaint the middle room and build some walls.

Hopefully we'll see more people next week.

Meeting adjourned at 12:20

Respectfully submitted.

--Sascha Meinrath

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