[IMC] Begin Submitting Events Now!

Anna Hecht hecht2 at illinimedia.com
Mon Jun 4 17:16:28 UTC 2012

Hey CU Venues!

Most of you have sent me your gmail account address, if not send me your
accounts ASAP!

The217 and Buzz want to merge the sites asap, so please begin submitting as
soon as possible if you would like your events on the calendar for June.
Here are the instructions for submitting:

      *Here are the instructions for submitting events to our Google
         1) First, click on the Calendar tab at the top of your gmail
account page
         2) On the left-hand side of the page should be a Calendar
entitled: "Buzz Events"
         3) Select the desired date
         4) Edit the event
                - If it is a repeated event (happens more than once): there
is an option for repeat vent next to "all day" switch to "repeat" and a box
will pop up with scheduling options
         5) You can add any pictures under "Add attachment"
                -For Pictures: If it is a specific group, you can google
search an image of them, if you are unsure you can add things like pictures
of film strips for movies and musical instruments for live music, etc. Just
make sure the picture is appropriate for the type of event and if you are
unsure, feel free to email me!
         6) leave on default and available

             and X out for no reminders set

         7) Submit Event

Anna Hecht
Anna Hecht
University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
News-Editorial Journalism/Psychology Major I James Scholar
Producer of the217.com
Style Guru Intern for CollegeFashionista.com
Her Campus Illinois I Travel and Fashion Blogger
hecht2 at illinois.edu
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