[IMC] April Birthday Poster and Mother's Day Noise Demos

ppbirthday at riseup.net ppbirthday at riseup.net
Wed Apr 10 02:03:59 UTC 2013

Hello Friends and Comrades,

Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for April. As always,
please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing
night of your own. Tragically, there are four more people on this poster
than there were last April. Let's make sure to show them lots of love and
support for their first birthday locked up.

Mother’s Day began not just as a day to honor mothers, but as a day for
mothers to express solidarity with one another and against the wars that
left widows and orphans impoverished. This Mother’s Day, in honor of this
tradition, we are calling for a global day of solidarity with incarcerated
mothers and against a penal system that disproportionately cages people
based on race, class, and gender non-conformity. Please circulate this
call far and wide and help organize a noise demo outside a prison or jail
near you that holds women captive.

June 11th is the international day of solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie
Mason, and all longterm anarchist prisoners. You still have plenty of time
to organize something in your town. You can find more info on organizing
an event and what has happened in previous years here: http://june11.org/

Speaking of Marie Mason, she wrote a lovely thank you letter to all of her
supporters for all of the birthday cards and letters she got. You can read
the letter here:

Former Black Panther Russell Maroon Shoatz has been held in torturous
conditions of solitary confinement in Pennsylvania prisons for the past
thirty years. From April 8 to May 10, 2013, the Campaign to Free Russell
Maroon Shoatz is calling for an intense call-in and write-in campaign to
bring pressure on the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PA DOC), to
release Maroon from solitary confinement and into the general prison
population. You can find out all about it and download action packets on
his support page.

Lastly, here is a link to the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War
every-other week update by the  NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots
of good updates on many political prisoners.

Until Every Cage Is Empty,

The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

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