[IMC] Who to contact about "Production"?

Charles Schultz sacrophyte at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 02:32:59 UTC 2013

Did that group actually do broadcasts? I am curious what "onto public
access TV" constituted. I am wondering why things like county/local
government are only available live on CGTV, which is not free. True, most
governmental entities are available for video on demand from the CGTV
website, but not all.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Mike Lehman <rebelmike at earthlink.net>wrote:

>  Charles,
> I used to be an admin on that list and did work with the group, but the
> web page is most likely outdated. I'm pretty sure there's no active group
> and the list is rather moribund, as I'm still on it. It was basically a
> group that tried to keep our media production gear going. This was a big
> deal when we first started, less so now that everyone has a video camera on
> their phone and video editing software on their laptop. I'm sure that it
> would be good to have this as an active group and my pardon if I stepped on
> something I wasn't aware was happening.
> Mike Lehman
> On 12/19/2013 9:43 AM, Charles Schultz wrote:
> Good day,
>  I see on the UCIMC website there is a department (for lack of a better
> word) that does "Production":
>> "Production has produced short and long-form video, IMC Radio News, and
>> sponsored programming onto public-access TV. The IMC Production Group
>> manages the recording and editing facilities in the IMC Production Room and
>> offers training and educational workshops on multimedia production and
>> open-source media software."
>  I have signed up for and am awaiting approval to join the mailing list.
> Is there a chairperson or "head honcho" I can communicate with in the mean
> time? I am mostly curious about OTA broadcasts - I know the IMC has a radio
> broadcast, but the IMC does not broadcast video, does it? What exactly does
> "onto public-access TV" mean?
>  Thanks much!
>  --
> Charles Schultz
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Charles Schultz
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