[IMC] Citizen Journalism Study- Final Call

Johnson, Kirsten A johnsonka at etown.edu
Tue May 6 15:03:31 EDT 2014

My name is Dr. Kirsten Johnson and I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of Communications at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania.  I’m working on a project with Dr. Burton St. John, an Associate Professor of Communications at Old Dominion University in Virginia regarding citizen journalism and I’m hoping you can help us.

You’re being contacted because we believe you do some form of citizen journalism (e.g., reporter, columnist, editor, photographer) at a citizen journalism website.  We’re interested in understanding, through a short survey, how you view your role as a citizen journalist.  The survey should only take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

This is the third notification of this study, so if you have already filled it out, thank you!

So far we’ve had about 30% of those we’ve sent the survey to complete it, which is wonderful! If you haven’t, could you please take a few minutes to click on the link below?  If the link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser.  The study will remain open until this Sunday at midnight.


If you are someone who supervises citizen journalists, could you please forward this message to those you supervise?  We’d really appreciate it!

We intend to present the results from this survey at a conference and publish this study in an academic journal.  Both Dr. St. John and I have been studying citizen journalism for a number of years and are very interested in understanding your views as citizens who report community news.  All information you provide will be confidential.

If you’d like more details about the project, please feel free to contact me, and I’ll be happy to provide them.  My contact information is below.

Thanks for considering this request!

Kirsten A. Johnson, Ph.D.
Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Communications
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, Pa 17022
(717) 361-1258
johnsonka at etown.edu<mailto:johnsonka at etown.edu>

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