[OccupyCU] Jesse Francis presentation 911 et al

Paul Mueth paulmueth at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 16 22:46:22 UTC 2012

I posted this on  Facebook page, perhaps you want to comment there instead of 
here or maybe a news followup, 
Alternately you could reply to me alone and I could give to Zuckerman's 
Opinions are mine expressed on this list, rather infrequently, and I have't time 
for all the discourse. 
I think we have consensus on 911 not being central to Occupy strategy, but 
here's my line on same .. 

OK, 911 was traumatizing,
> Bush were blatant scoundrels,
> who justified torture even to the extent of justifying abuse of a real 
>"american" like Chicagoan Donald Vance, who was cooperating with the FBI 
>investigating a "private security firm" in Iraq (likely smuggling weapons to 
>MEK, PEJAK as part of the bipartisan dirty war against Iran)
>US foreign policy is like a nightmare we'd like to wake up from.
>Talking to inside job proponents "explosives on the scene" was a hard datum to 
>deal with. I'm satisfied that Building 7 owner after talking to the fire chief 
>about "pulling it" got a demo crew in a new york minute.
>Whether my best guess about the attack on Sept morn, ie,, Bush was acquiescing 
>in a simple hijacking and got what ensued does not matter much to the discourse 
>I think is important for Occupyistas to craft to push back on corporate power.
>I, for instance, should be writing about Stone & Webster/ Shaw Group, Chicago 
>Bridge and Iron and its plan to engineer the nuclear renaisance (and for Central 
>Illinois readers Shaw Environ- is justifying dumping PCB's on top of a very rare 
>and huge aquifer!!)
>Here's the related interesting link, I'm not sure where the site is coming from 
>. .. 
>but the Pull It clip should be remembered, I recall it from the original airing 
>.. . 
>I may be out of town next Monday .. .
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