[Trees-executive] new language for affadavit

Audrey Fisher ajfisher at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 3 15:14:52 CDT 2001

The word "specifically" bothers me.  It acts like an equals sign between
"the goals articulated by IPCUTSOT" and the three-item list.  We should
leave out just that one word.


Without "specifically":

"By signing below, I voice my support for the goals articulated by
Illinois Power Customers United to Save Our Trees (IPCUTSOT) and affirm
my membership therein.  I believe the Illinois Commerce
Commission should adopt a vegetation management plan that assures the
health of trees and other vegetation, follows responsible pruning
practices, and protects individual property rights.  "

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl H. Malmgren, II [mailto:malmgren at life.uiuc.edu]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 12:57 PM
To: trees-executive at lists.groogroo.com; Gretchen E. Knapp
Subject: [Trees-executive] new language for affadavit

Dear aqll here is the original draft of the affadavit:

"By signing below, I voice my support of the goals articulated by
Illinois Power Customers United to Save Our Trees (IPCUTSOT) and affirm
my membership therein. Specifically, I believe the Illinois Commerce
Commission (ICQ should reject the vegetation management tariff proposed
by Illinois Power. It is my intent that representatives from I PCUTSOT
include this statement in the direct testimony to be entered into the
hearing record of the ICC hearing process, Docket No. 0l-0012.

Here is the New and Improved version:

Please comment and we can finalize it Monday night.


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