[Cu-wireless] Looking for a first contact CWN point-person:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Thu Mar 11 09:46:53 CST 2004

Hi all,

As more and more folks have become interested in our project, it's become
apparant that we desperatedly need someone who can act as a point person
for the general public.  We need someone who's good with people, _VERY_
patient, and has time to write back to folks when they contact us, knows
who to contact in the CWN group to get answers, etc.

As we develop our FAQs and user documentation, this'll require less and
less time with each individual inquiry; however, we'll hopefully have more
and more inquiries as we progress.  Right now I'm getting completely
swamped trying to keep up with all the inquiries, building infrastructure,
handling dev coordination, talking with the press & OSI, etc. etc. etc.
and could really use some help.

Anyone want to take on this role?

Also, several people have stepped forward into roles recently and I think
that we should expand the contacts page to include these new folks/roles
(right now just Dave & I are listed).  So Pat, I'd love to list you as
User Documentation Coordinator (or some-such); Darrin, it would be cool to
list you as SourceForge Coordinator; Stephane, Voice over IP Engineer --
stuff like that.  Basically, anyone who is putting in significant time
into the project should be acknowledged for their time and energy.

Would this be agreeable to folks?

Let me know,


Sascha Meinrath
Project Manager & President      *      Project Manager
Acorn Active Media Foundation   ***     Eggplant Active Media
www.acornactivemedia.com         *      www.eggplantmedia.com

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