[Cu-wireless] Meeting Reminder: Noon Saturday at the CUWiN office.

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri Mar 19 13:55:30 CST 2004

Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder, we'll be meeting tomorrow (Saturday) at Noon the
CUWiN offices -- 115 W. Main St., Second Floor.  Parking is free in the
back of the building, just go to the second floor of the parking deck and
come in the back way.  We'll be providing coffee and pastries (and taking
up a quick collection since I'm paying out of pocket ;).

On the agenda:

1. Updates
	a. developers
	b. documentation
	c. websit
2. Video
3. Grants
4. CUWiN Expertise Mapping Project

Let me know if there's anything else.  Meetings will begin at Noon (sharp)
and last for an hour -- followed by informal discussion/lunches/etc.


Sascha Meinrath
Project Manager & President      *      Project Manager
Acorn Active Media Foundation   ***     Eggplant Active Media
www.acornactivemedia.com         *      www.eggplantmedia.com

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