[Imc-newsroom] Re: [Imc-info] spamming and my editorial cartoons

Sascha Meinrath meinrath at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 9 23:51:34 CDT 2002

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your concern.  I think the issue that ML brought up has to do
with cross-posting to multiple IMCs and the number of posts you've placed
on our newswire.  One major goal of the IMC network is to create
dissemination points for stories that are directly relevant to the
constituencies that access each IMC's website.  I don't read ML's comments
to be critical of your content -- but rather to be raising the question of
why your cartoons are being posted to _each_ IMC's website instead of
utilizing the Global IMC website for global distribution.

Our newswires are a commons and as such, each time people post to our
wire, they fill up a certain amount of usable space (on the front page).
I think it would be great to continue having your cartoons posted to our
website, but I would strongly encourage you to post them as a single story
-- for example, as a weekly digest.  The issue is more about our local IMC
wanting to highlight locally produced and salient media.

I'd be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have.  I've also
cc-ed the UCIMC groups you wrote since I am one UCIMC volunteer, but don't
speak for the collective as a whole.  I hope you understand our goal of
both highlighting underrepresented views and focusing on local content.

In solidarity,


On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Charles Amsellem wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to thank you for your wonderful service for the community.  I have been and wish to continue supplying editorial cartoons and articles across indymedia.  I have recently been warned by someone who acts as though they represent uc.indymedia.  Would you please confirm for me that this person actually represents your newswire rather than being some idiot that is trying to stop me from posting or just messing with me?  I didnt recieve an email from you I just saw the posts here:
> http://www.ucimc.org/front.php3?article_id=4934&group=webcast
> I have a tremendous amount of respect for your newswire and if you merely agree with her position even though she is an 'imposter', I will gladly comply. If so, could you please let me know what the difference is between myself and cartoonist Latuff?  Why is he not on the list of people she is describing?
> please let me know,
> charles amsellem

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