[Imc-radio] Anniversary Party

ellen K radicallibrarian at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 21:22:07 CST 2005

The IMC's forth anniversary is fast approaching. (Jan 19). For the
anniversary party we would like to showcase the media that the IMC has
created in the last year. Could the radio group pull together some
radio pieces that you've produced and burn them to a CD? I'm thinking
more about segments rather than a whole shows. I don't think people
will stand and listen for 30 minutes but maybe 5-10. So maybe you pull
together 10 to 15 segments, burn them to a CD and make a track
listing. The outreach group will take care of setting up listening
station so folks at the party can listen.

Let me know if you have any questions and if you can do this by Jan 19th,


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