[Imc-tech] mirroring stuff fixed/disabled

Zachary C.Miller wolfgang at wolfgang.groogroo.com
Sun Jan 21 14:12:57 CST 2001

I fixed it so that mirroring to images.indymedia.org and to loudeye do
not happen and that the software does not expect it to happen.

What was happening was that 12 minutes after any sound or image story
was uploaded the link was being changed to point to a mirror but since
we have no mirroring set up the links would just become broken even
though we still had the files locally.

So MP3s and Images and such all work now, including all the old ones
that have been broken for a while. Have at it!

Zachary C. Miller - @= - http://wolfgang.groogroo.com/
IMSA 1995 - UIUC 2000 - Just Another Leftist Muppet
 Social Justice, Community, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Feminism,
 Sustainability, Responsibility, Diversity, Democracy, Ecology
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