[IMC-Tech] Moving the Server...

Stephane Alnet stephane at shimaore.net
Sun Feb 12 12:18:46 CST 2006

[Mike wrote:]
> Down at the east end is a duct. At the north end is a vent. It  
> appears that the east end is the inlet and that the air is pulled  
> out through the north duct via the circulation pattern in the  
> building, as well as out through the peep holes in the floor.

If I remember properly from the visit we did during the tech meeting  
in December, the inlet is located next to (what we thought was) the  
HVAC room on the "second" floor and we assumed it was getting heat  
and A/C from that room. If that "HVAC" room is pumping air inside the  
tunnel (creating a higher pressure) I'd assume the vent will work as  
a natural exhaust by releasing the pressure into the large room  

The only concern would be whether the provisions that were made for  
the purpose of postal inspection (say, one sitting human body, 312BTU/ 
h ~ 90W) will be enough to cover for our needs (unknown number of BTU/ 
S. (slowly recovering from diaper coma)

PS: Independently, there is another inspection "tunnel" on the east  
side of the building (above the loading dock and the mail chute);  
I've never visited it and I'm not sure what the space group is  
planning to do with it, but it has to be a smaller space. If we can't  
get proper HVAC in the larger tunnel(*) it may be worth looking at  
that other spot since it'd be less expensive to HVAC'd a smaller  
space than a large one.

(*) Which reminds me we should install a thermometer in the tunnel  
when we put the gear in it so that we can visually see how things are  
working out temperature-wise. Remotely accessible, web-based climate  
control panel left as an exercise to the reader.

Maths for BTU/h: Basal metabolism = 1.0kcal/min = 240BTU/h; sitting =  
add 0.3kcal/min... so sitting = 1.3kcal/min = 312BTU/h = 91.4W  (1 W  
= 0.293 BTU/h).

- Mais la clé, qui tourne deux fois
Dans ta porte de patriarche,
Souffle l'ardeur, éteint la voix.
Sur le talus, l'amour quitté, le vent m'endort.

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